A bench headed by Justice U D Salvi directed officials of Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam and Ghaziabad Development Authority to carry out a joint survey and file a map showing all sewers which are connected to storm water drains.
"For redressal of the grievances made in the present application, the Respondent No 1 and 2 (Gaziabad Nagar Nigam and GDA) submit that joint survey by them will have to be carried out for bringing on record sewers which are being emptied in the storm water drain.
During the hearing, the Commissioner of Ghaziabad Nagar Nigam undertook before the bench to clean all the storm water drains within Kaushambi township before July 1, the next date of hearing.
The order came while hearing a plea by Kaushambi Apartments Residents Welfare Association (KARWA) which had alleged that land sold off by Ghaziabad Development Authority to Yashoda Hospital, Supertech, Raj Residency and others in eastern part of Kaushambi area does not have sewer connection.
"Ghaziabad Development Authority as the development authority did not check provisioning of these basic facilities at the time of according clearances for occupation to them," the plea had said.
It had also contended that Paschimanchal Vidyut Vitaran Nigam Limited (PVVNL), which distributes power, has dug up large portions of road for laying high tension cables and has not levelled it.