A bench headed by NGT chief Justice Swatanter Kumar said that although an expert committee was constituted to study forests, sewage system, water supply and carrying capacity strength of the hills way back in 2015, the report has not yet been duly signed by all its members.
It also pulled up the eight-member expert committee and directed all its members, including its chairman, to appear before it on February 22.
"Members of the committee are very highly placed officers in the state government and from different departments or institutions. They were expected to provide proper assistance to the tribunal to arrive at a decision on the principles of precautionary sustainable development as per the provisions of the National Green Tribunal Act, 2010.
"It is also pointed out that with reference to some objections raised by some of the members, suitable amendments have been made in the report. However, it is not clear as to who has raised objections, the basis there of besides conclusions arrived at by the committee. We are really sorry to know about the way the State of Himachal Pradesh has conducted this entire matter before the tribunal," the bench said.
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The counsel, appearing for the Himachal Pradesh government, told NGT that the report submitted to the tribunal had not been signed by all the members of the committee as certain members have serious objections to the content of the report.
The committee includes a senior officer from the National Disaster Management Authority, senior scientists from the Wadia Institute of Himalayan Geology, Dehradun, and an ecological expert from the GB Pant Institute, Himachal Pradesh.
Other members are the chief town planner, Shimla and the senior architect (planner) from the Public Works Department, a senior scientist from the Ministry of Environment and Forests (MoEF), a professor from the School of Planning and Architect, New Delhi and a senior scientist from the Institute of Himalaya Forest Research Institute.
The green panel had on May 30, 2014 restrained the municipal corporation, the state government and other authorities from carrying out any construction or permitting any construction in the green areas of the city.