"There is a two-way relationship between environment and economic growth...It is, therefore, crucial that we find the fine balance between environmental conservation and economic growth for the sustainability of our development agenda.
"It is in this context, that the role of the National Green Tribunal, as an effective and efficient adjudicator, to maintain this precarious balance between the environment and sustainable development and providing speedy justice is of vital importance today," the Vice President said.
He said that on one hand people "cry hoarse" over the paralysis in execution of the much-needed developmental projects due to environmental concerns, while on the other "legitimate concerns" have been raised by environmentalists "who have brought to light the inexcusable and irreparable damage caused to the ecosystem due to human greed and wasteful consumption".
He said that in such a situation, the challenge is to find a common ground and pave the right way forward which incorporates all dimensions of sustainable development -- environmental, economic and social -- in a balanced way and the NGT "will have to play the role of the independent referee and facilitator, inspired by law and principles of natural justice."