"Default of appearance of MoEF is becoming a routine. Secretary, MoEF be informed, by way of last opportunity, of this persistent issue. If no remedy is found for the issue, we will be forced to pass coercive orders," a bench headed by NGT Chairperson Justice Swatanter Kumar said as the ministry was absent from majority of the matters listed before it.
"They (MoEF) can't make this tribunal practically non-functional. We can't take this. We will call for Joint Secretary, then Secretary and still if nothing is done, then we will impose costs that you can't even imagine," the bench warned and listed tomorrow afternoon all the matters, in which MoEF was absent, for issuing directions.
Yesterday, after absence of the ministry in a part heard matter, the tribunal had directed the Joint Secretary, MoEF (dealing with the matters of NGT) to "be present with complete records on these cases on next date in order to ensure that in future the matters are not required to be adjourned for want of representation on behalf of MoEF".
On few occasions earlier also, the tribunal had expressed its displeasure over the ministry's absence in various part-heard and other matters which had to be adjourned.