NHRC has also observed that the women were "abused racially" and the then Law Minister, prima facie, violated the provisions of law while holding the Constitutional post.
"The Commission has recommended monetary relief of Rs 25 thousand each to twelve African national women, victims of racial prejudice and unlawful acts by Somnath Bharti, the then Law Minister of the Government of NCT of Delhi, with his supporters at Khirki Extension in Delhi in the intervening night of January 15 and 16," an official NHRC statement said today.
The Commission has asked the Government of NCT of Delhi, through its Chief Secretary, to submit compliance report along with proof of payment within eight weeks.
After considering the reports of BL Garg, Retired Additional District and Sessions Judge and its own Investigation Team, the Commission observed that the then Law Minister with his supporters humiliated the African women and wrongfully confined them in a vehicle on the ground that they were indulging in sex racket and drug trafficking.
Meanwhile, the Delhi Police has informed the Commission, in response to its show cause notice that investigations in the criminal proceedings in a court of law are in the process of finalization.