NIC is the interventional wing of the Cardiological Society of India representing more than 2200 interventional cardiologists.
Dr N N Khanna, Chairman - Scientific Committee NIC 2016 told this to reporters here today.
"Statistic reveals that heart attacks among lower age groups are increasing and ten per cent of heart attacks in urban and four to five per cent of heart attacks in rural areas happen in the age group of 40 years," Khanna said.
Dr Khanna said these issues will be discussed during the three day forum meet to look for prevention aspects.
Among other things, there will be discussion on biotic valve replacement without surgery, irregular rhythm and use of device to prevent clots or newer devices to close holes in the heart.
Over 2,500 delegates will be present and live cases will be transmitted from national and international sites. Lectures, debates and discussions on the topic of interventional cardiology will be part of the event, Khanna said.