Dismissing a PIL against Aamir Khan's block buster 'PK', a bench of Chief Justice G Rohini and Justice R S Endlaw said "the present petition is an instance of a growing tendency in the country of intolerance and which tendency has to be nipped in the bud and unless done so, is likely to spread like wild fire and which the country can ill-afford."
The bench also observed that just as the Constitution protected the right of an artist to portray social reality in all its forms, seeing a film was a conscious choice of the spectator and those offended by the content or the theme of a particular film were free to avoid watching it.
"We are unable to hold the film or any sequence thereof being contemptuous of the essential tenets and beliefs of Hindu religion or as promoting communal attitude. The said sequences have to be necessarily shown to illustrate the social evil prevalent," it further said in a recent order.
The bench dismissed the PIL seeking directions to delete "objectionable" scenes from 'PK' claiming that the contents of the film have hurt the religious sentiments of Hindus.
"The sequences of the film to which objection is taken are in the nature of a satire bordering on parody on certain Hindu customs and practices. The said sequences in the film can thus also be seen as socially beneficial, helping a better understanding of the religion," the court said.