Digital Transformation Index (DTI) is a tool used for gauging how well one helps an organisation grow and thrive in a digital world.
"The challenge is to bring them back home and inspire them to contribute towards innovation in India. This is something which will create more jobs." Aalekh Sharan, Officer on Special Duty, Niti Aayog, said, referring to many top innovators being engaged with multinational companies abroad.
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The Niti Aayog official also underscored the need for stronger industry-academia linkages for creating a better eco-system of innovation.
Commenting on the processing time after the influence of first examination report in case of intellectual property, Sanjay Bhattacharya, Deputy Controller of Patents and Designs, Patent Office Kolkata, said, "Now things have moved online, all reports are available online."
The processing time for such reports used to take 18 months before and all the processing was done through hard copy, he said.
Bhattacharya added that 500 examiners have been recruited to expedite patent applications.