Nitin's excellent performance of 11 points meant that Manjeet Chhillar's good work for the Pune side went in vain. Manjeet scored 13 points and his three super tackles in the first half kept his side in the fray at half-time with an 11-10 advantage at half-time.
He even engineered super raid of five points in the second half, putting his team ahead 24-23. But Nitin Tomar came up with a two pointer and followed it up with a super raid of his own to make it 28-25 for Bengal. That effectively took the match away from the Pune side.
They helped his side inflict the first all-out. The 22nd minute all-out propelled Bengal Warriors to 15-12. The winners drew away towards a healthy 22-18 lead only to see Manjeet put a spanner in their works.
Bajirao's partner in crime Girish Ernak had three tackle points. The others to impress for the Bengal Warriors were Jang Kun Lee with three points and Mahesh Goud the lanky raider who exhibited good jumping skills while vaulting over Tushar Patil and Prashant Chavan in fine style.