Kumar has personal fortune comprising cash, deposits in banks and movable/immovable properties worth Rs 68 lakh in contrast to his son's properties worth about Rs 1.99 crore comprising deposits in banks and investment to the tune of Rs 81.68 lakh and immovable properties over Rs 1.15 crore.
Both the Chief Minister and his son have shown no financial liabilities.
The Chief Minister had declared income of Rs 1,41, 412 for self in the financial year 2012-13 as against his son's income at Rs 4,02,250.
Kumar's son has overtaken him by a wide margin in terms of accumulation of movable assets comprising deposits, investment and durables worth Rs 81.68 lakh against Rs 6.88 lakh, according to the declaration made by the Chief Minister.
Also Read
The Chief Minister had made it mandatory for himself and his ministers to declare their assets annually by December 31 every year since 2010 after romping to a landslide victory for a second successive term.
All JD(U) ministers too have declared their assets and properties for the year 2013.