"Bihar mein hunkar and Maharashtra me abhaar (roar in Bihar and thanks giving in Maharashtra)," Kumar said on a Facebook post while taking potshots at the BJP leadership, including its prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi for thanking the MNS for deciding against putting up candidates against it in Maharashtra during the general elections.
"It's an insult to Bihar and its people," Kumar said, adding they would oppose it tooth and nail.
Kumar said he was sure that the people of Bihar would reject the crass hobnobbing between communal and regional chauvinists during elections, a remark which invited ire of the former deputy chief minister Sushil Kumar Modi.
In a statement from Purnia, Sushil Modi said it was Kumar who had surrendered before the MNS chief a couple of years ago to make the 'Bihar Day' celebrations in Mumbai "a success".
"Why did Kumar surrender to Raj Thackeray's diktats? What happened to the Chief Minister's pride then?" the BJP leader said in his statement.