He tore into the Centre's argument that there was no provision for providing special category status as there was no mention of it in the 14th Finance Commission's recommendations.
"Its in your hand whether to keep some provision or not," Kumar said at an interactive session with mediapersons here as part of the programme "Breakfast with the CM".
"You talked about providing special status to Bihar but while time to fullfill it comes, 'ulta kalaam' (pen in reverse direction) runs," Kumar said as a match to PM's barb at him recently that while "Ganga (of development) was flowing from the Centre, the head of the state of Bihar is holding his 'lota ulta' (keeping pitcher in reverse manner)".
Kumar again stressed the need for special category status to Bihar and said policy support from the Centre could help Bihar take a "big jump" in development.
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The Bihar CM also raised the DNA barb of the PM and earlier to that of Union Surface Transport minister Nitin Gadkari that "casteism is in DNA of Bihar".
Asked about his strong reaction to DNA barb has been seen as a reactionary step, Kumar said "it means we can not even protest any insult on us. Anybody can come from outside and make any insulting comments and when we try to give reply to their approach, it is to ask us to shut up."
Dwelling on Gadkari's "Casteism in Bihar DNA" comment, Kumar shot back "tell me where there is no casteism in the Indian sub continent?"
"Though its not a good thing, in India political formulation is based on caste system...Its not justified to say that only Bihar is gripped with casteism," he said.