Rao, who took charge of the University late last month, said he would focus on developing the thrust areas of research in NLUO as per the local needs.
"Access to justice and public legal education will be other areas of the University to cater the unmet legal needs of the country," the VC said.
Switching over to academics in 1995, Prof Rao was associated with the National Law School of India University (NLSIU), Bangalore, National Academy of Legal Studies and Research (NALSAR), Hyderabad, Gujarat National Law University (GNLU), Gandhinagar and National Law University, Delhi (NLUD).
With over 600 students currently on the University's roll both in under graduate and post graduate courses, there are only 25 faculties to cater to their academic needs.
Stating that autonomy and independence of the VC were among the other reasons for growth of NLUD, Prof Rao hoped he would also get the same support and cooperation from the Odisha government and Orissa High Court here.