Additional Sessions Judge Lokesh Kumar Sharma dismissed the appeal of the woman, a south Delhi resident, against a magisterial court order acquitting seven members of a family of the offence of voluntarily causing grievous hurt under section 325 of the IPC.
"It shall be interesting to note here that as per the complainant, two of her front teeth were broken in the scuffle and beatings suffered at the hands of the accused persons. However, not even a single tooth was produced by her either before the Investigating Officer or before the court to substantiate such allegations," the judge said.
It also said the police did not examine any neighbour or independent witness, despite the woman claiming that several people had gathered when she was being beaten up.
The court said that despite living in a crowded neighbourhood, her cries were not heard by any neighbour and nor was any such neighbour examined by the investigating agency as a witness in this case.
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Noting there were several discrepancies in the woman's statement, it said that instead of informing the cops immediately, she chose to send her son to narrate the incident to her sister.
During the proceedings, the accused had denied the allegations claiming they were falsely implicated.