CISF Director General Surender Singh, who took charge of the paramilitary force last month, said while the incident is being thoroughly investigated, instructions have been issued reiterating that the security protocols and apparatus at all airports under its umbrella, including at Kozhikode, should not be allowed to "slacken" in view of the incident.
"It is definitely an incident which we have taken note of. But the years of good work done by the force cannot be done away with this one incident. While a police and CISF inquiry is on, we have again issued instructions to our men and women posted at these facilities that they should not slacken in their task and do it diligently.
The DG added that steps have been taken to ensure that there is no repeat of such incidents anywhere in the country. The Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), at present, is tasked with securing 59 civil airports in the country.
Ten Airports Authority of India (AAI) staff and 13 CISF personnel have so far been arrested in connection with the violent incident at Kozhikode airport, also recognised as the Karipur airport, after a dispute erupted on giving security clearance to AAI staff which resulted in the death of a CISF jawan after the service revolver of his senior officer, a sub-inspector, went off accidentally in the melee.
"Our personnel have joined the investigation that is being conducted by the local police. I don't think we have issued any mass transfer orders in the wake of this incident," he said at the force's headquarters here.