The no-confidence motion against NCHAC Chief Executive Member Debojit Thaosen was initiated following a receipt of a letter on October 10 from Prankanta Warisa, Member of Autonomous Council (MAC), who had stated on behalf of 18 MACs that the present administration lead by Thaosen has lost the confidence of a majority in the Council.
Warisa urged the removal of the present Executive Committee and formation of a new one.
Governor P B Acharya after considering the appeal and in public interest directed the Council's Chairman to hold a special session of the Council tomorrow for the MACs to take appropriate action in consonance of the rule and procedure enshrined in the Assam Autonomous district (Constitution of District Council Rule,1951 (as amended).
The N C Hills Autonomous Council has 30 seats, out of which 28 are elected members and 2 others are nominated.