Environment Minister Anil Madhav Dave in a written reply in Rajya Sabha said Greenpeace India has published a report titled "Airpocalypse" in January this year based on secondary information on air quality collected through RTI, annual reports of state pollution control boards and literature review in which it claimed that 12 lakh deaths take place due to air pollution.
"There is no conclusive data available in the country to establish direct correlationship of death exclusively with air pollution. Health effects of air pollution are synergistic manifestation of factors which include food habits, occupational habits, socio-economic status, medical history, immunity, heredity etc of the individuals.
The Greenpeace India report had said Delhi tops the list of 20 most polluted cities in the country where 12 lakh deaths take place every year due to air pollution.
It also claimed that none of the 168 cities it assessed complies with air quality standards prescribed by the World Health Organisation (WHO).
According to the report, the deaths every year in India due to air pollution are only a "fraction less" than that caused by tobacco usage. Three per cent of the GDP is lost due to air pollution, it added.
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