CBI investigator AGL Kaul, who led the second probe team in connection with the sensational murders, had claimed in his deposition as prosecution witness that he carried out such a test in 2010 by putting a dummy in a sheet and dragging it to the roof with the help of two persons with normal body built.
The purpose of this exercise purportedly carried out in the presence of forensic experts was to ascertain whether parents of the teenager were capable of dragging a subconscious Hemraj to terrace where he was allegedly killed by them, he had claimed.
Sources in the know of proceedings, however, claimed that Talwars had left their residence of Jalvayu Vihar--the crime scene--immediately after the incident and have not been living there since so there was no question of test being conducted there.
The sources said CBI had not presented any evidence on record to show that such a test was conducted and the only proof presented by CBI is a statement of its investigator AGL Kaul and Forensic Expert Rajinder Singh.