The BJP asserted on Saturday that "no force on earth" can stall the implementation of Citizenship Amendment Act and accused the Congress of duplicity over the law and the National Population Register process.
The BJP's response came after the Congress Working Committee, the apex body of the opposition party, demanded in its meeting that the CAA be withdrawn and process of NPR be stopped forthwith.
"The CAA has already come into effect and no force on earth can stall its implementation. In all its outreach efforts, the BJP has been highlighting the Congress' duplicity on CAA and NPR," BJP spokesperson G V L Narasimha Rao said.
He said the Congress had made a promise in Rajasthan election manifesto on citizenship for Hindu refugees.
"Citizenship for Hindu refugees in Rajasthan and Gujarat was extended by the Manmohan Singh government on two occasions in 2005 and 2006," Rao said, adding Singh as leader of the opposition had demanded citizenship for religious minorities from Pakistan and Bangladesh.
"On the NPR too, the Congress needs to explain why the NPR in 2010 was secular and acceptable while it becomes dangerous in 2020. On both CAA and NPR, the Congress is hypocritical. The BJP would expose the Congress party's double speak," Rao added.