Samples of two persons in Telangana have been sent to the NIV Pune after local tests for coronavirus returned "borderline", health officials said on Wednesday, as the government stepped up precautionary measures in the backdrop of first positive case being reported in the state.
One of the two persons was working in a software company here as the virus scare hit the IT corridor at Cyberabad here with a complex being "closed" for sanitisation.
The state reported its first COVID-19 case on Monday when a 24-year-old software personnel, who recently returned from Dubai, tested positive for the virus. His condition was stated to be stable on Wednesday.
Officials said the samples sent to the National Institute of Virology (NIV) Pune pertain to a person with foreign travel history to Italy and a person who had come in contact with the man who tested positive for the virus.
The samples were sent as results of tests done here were on the "borderline", a senior health official said.
State Health Minister E Rajender said in a release that there are no fresh cases of coronavirus in the state and that only one positive case has been confirmed.
Later, speaking to reporters, he said: "Report of two people will come by tomorrow. (so far) one case of coronavirus (in Telangana).There are no fresh cases."