The statement comes in the wake of a controversy after BJP Chief Amit Shah allegations that Saradha chit fund money was used in the October 2 Burdwan blast, which is being probed for link with Jamaat-ul-Mujahideen Bangladesh (JMB) terror outfit.
"Saradha chit fund money was used in the Burdwan blast. The NIA is not being allowed to probe the blast properly. Hurdles are being created. It is being done in order to save TMC leaders who are involved in the blast," Shah had said late last month at a rally in Kolkata, while attacking the Trinamool Congress.
Sinha further said that the NIA has investigated 69 cases relating to national security/terrorism during the last three years till date and in these cases 307 persons have been chargesheeted.
Earlier on December 3, Minister of State for Personnel Jitendra Singh had told the Lok Sabha the CBI investigation has "so far not revealed any such transaction where money was routed to Bangladesh to fund terrorist activities.