Minister of State for Home Haribhai Parathibhai Chaudhary, however, said a video was uploaded on September 3, 2014 containing the speech of Sheikh Ayman Al-Zawahiri of Al-Qaeda, in which he announced the establishment of a new Wing of Al-Qaeda, namely 'Al-Qaeda in Indian Sub-Continent' (AQIS).
It is learnt that Asim Umar and Usama Mehmood have been appointed as the 'Amir' (chief) and 'spokesperson' respectively of AQIS, he said.
Chaudhary also said Abu Bakar Al-Baghdadi of ISIS in a video, uploaded on June 29, 2014 on internet, highlighted the alleged plight of Muslims in various countries including India and stated that rights of Muslims are forcibly being seized in these countries.
The Minister said there is a very close and effective coordination amongst intelligence agencies at the Centre and the state levels on intelligence sharing.
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The intelligence inputs about possible designs and threats are shared with the state governments concerned on a regular basis, he said.
"The Multi Agency Centre has been strengthened and re-organised to enable it to function on 24x7 basis for real time collation and sharing of intelligence with other intelligence agencies and states, which ensures seamless flow of information between the state and the Central agencies.