The Emraan Hashmi starrer, directed by Kunal Deshmukh, is a sequel to the 2008-hit film Jannat. The second instalment is up for release on May 4. 'Jannat' was based on betting in cricket and the sequel is about illegal trading in arms and ammunition.
"While shooting for the film, we knew we would get 'A' certificate for 'Jannat 2'. So we knew censor board does not allow particular kind of language and doesn't allow suggestive checks, love making and kissing. So we had to shoot alternate takes and situations for those portions of the film," director Kunal Deshmukh, told PTI in an interview.
"I have been informed as a filmmaker about the guidelines of the Ministry of Broadcast and we have shot alternate angles and takes for particular scenes and songs. The intimacy stays but there is no lip lock or there is nothing that the censor board would object to. We have also done special dub for satellite where there is a clean version without any bad words," he said.
Kunal feels the Censor Board has fairly evolved with time and that they have genuine reasons for objecting certain content on TV.
"When your film comes on TV during prime time, and once it is out there you don't know who could be watching the film at that time. There may be a five-year-old or a ten-year-old kid and I wouldn't want that kid to be watching the film with obscene language. So I am doing my bit," Kunal said. (MORE) PTI KKP DK