Looking back, he said "every decision we took has been guided solely by national interest" but here have been some "instances" in the last one month with which the government had nothing to do, "yet these controversies have persisted". He, however, did not specify the controversies.
Modi, former Gujarat Chief Minister, said "a big challenge" he was facing in Delhi is to "convey to a select group of people about our intentions and sincerity to bring a positive change in this country" and they are "both within and outside government system".
In a blog, he wrote "67 years of previous governments is nothing compared to 1 month but I do want to say that in the last month, our entire team has devoted every single moment for the welfare of the people."
He said "every new government has something that friends in the media like to call a 'honeymoon period.' Previous governments had the luxury of extending this 'honeymoon period' upto a 100 days and even beyond.
Referring to the series of meetings he had with ministerial colleagues, Chief Ministers and officials, Modi said "I feel there are areas where surely we need to improve.