Sabita, accused of doling out illegal favours to former Karnataka Minister Gali Janardhan Reddy and also Dalmia Cements over mining leases that benefited Jagan's firms as quid pro quo, met Kiran Reddy late tonight on his return from New Delhi and reportedly submitted her resignation.
The allegation against Sabita relates to her tenure as Mines Minister during the previous Congress government headed by late Chief Minister Y S Rajasekhara Reddy, Jagan's father.
The CM and the Ministers dissuaded Sabita from taking a hasty decision and advised her to "wait". "Let us first go into the details of the chargesheet," the Chief Minister reportedly told his beleaguered Cabinet colleague.
Though Sabita insisted she would quit on moral grounds in the wake of the chargesheet against her, the Chief Minister was in no mood to accept it.
"We asked her not to resign till we study the case in detail," Satyanarayana, who is also Transport Minister, told newspersons outside the CM's camp residence here.