"The UPSC have stated that based on reports of various committees on reforms in the Civil Services Examination, there is no need for a separate programme for the selection of IPS officers de-linking it from the Civil Services Examination. Keeping in view the feedback from states/UTs and the UPSC, a separate examination for IPS officers is not desirable," Minister of State for Home RPN Singh told Lok Sabha in a written reply today.
"The Department related Parliamentary Standing Committee, in its subsequent (172nd) Report, has communicated that they don't wish to pursue the said matter. The matter was also referred to this Ministry by Sardar Vallabhabhai Patel National Police Academy subsequent to the visit of the Parliamentary Standing Committee to the academy. The matter was consulted with the States/UTs, DoPT and UPSC. Comments from 18 states/UTs have been received, out of which, only six states have recommended for a separate exam. And the rest have suggested no change in the current common exam," he added.