Additional Sessions judge Shyam Lal, holding Aarushi's parents -- Rajesh and Nupur -- guilty of the murders, said that no outsider(s) would dare to take the body of Hemraj to the terrace in severely injured condition and thereafter search out a lock to be placed in the door of the terrace.
The judge, who retires on November 30, also said it is not possible that an outsider(s) after committing the murders will muster the courage to take out "scotch whisky", knowing that the Talwar couple are in the nearby room, and his top priority will be to run away from the crime scene immediately.
"It is not possible that after commission of the crime, an outsider(s) will dress-up the crime scene. The golf club number 5 was thrown in the loft after commission of the crime and the same was produced after many months by accused Rajesh Talwar," he said.
The judge said the manner in which the murders were committed is not the handiwork of a single accused and rather the murders were committed and evidence destroyed by both the accused in furtherance of their common intention which is apparent from the facts and circumstances.