BJP vice president Shivraj Singh Chouhan on Thursday said there was no political vendetta behind the action against former Union minister P Chidambaram, who has been arrested in connection with the INX Media alleged corruption case in New Delhi.
The Congress has come down heavily on the BJP government over the arrest of Chidambaram, accusing it of using the CBI and the ED as "personal revenge-seeking departments". The former Union minister was on Thursday sent to four-day CBI custody by a Delhi court, which said his custodial interrogation was justified in the case.
"Law takes in own course. Chidambaram went to the court, but did not get relief. The Congress's act of blaming the central government is not proper as it is working without any vendetta," Chouhan told reporters.
"If someone has indulged in any wrongdoing, it should be probed. It hardly matters whether the wrongdoer is big or small," the former Madhya Pradesh chief minister said while refuting the Congress's charge that Chidambaram was a victim of political vendetta.
About the alleged terror funding racket busted in MP, Chouhan said, "Stern action should be taken in the case and the intelligence agencies should be activated further."
Alleging that the Congress government in MP was taking bribes from policemen for their transfers, Chouhan said, "Such things demoralise police and create lawlessness."