Claiming that the BJP is poised to win 400 seats in Lok Sabha elections, Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath on Friday said the "enthusiasm among people" for the party has not developed overnight and credited it to the efforts of the Modi government on issues of checking corruption and strengthening national security during the last five years.
"There is only one wave in the country. Every vigilant voter has only one wish that (Narendra) Modi becomes the Prime Minister again. When people are connected with this resolve, there is no power that can stop him from becoming the PM," Adityanath said at an election meeting in support of BJP's Kushinagar nominee Vijay Kumar Dube.
Targeting the previous UPA government, he said, "Five years ago, when the Congress was at the helm, scams of all kinds were surfacing. The then prime minister Manmohan Singh used to say that the first right on the country's resources was that of Muslims.
The enthusiasm for the party had not developed overnight , he said and listed the initiatives undertaken during the BJP rule.
The chief minister claimed that the security situation has improved in the country under the BJP.
"At the time of the Congress rule, over 270 districts were affected by the Naxalism, terrorism or extremism. Our jawans and citizens were being killed and the government used to remain a silent spectator. Pakistan used to behead our soldiers. China used to come inside our borders. The situation has changed now," he added.
"Let Narendra Modi become the prime minister once again, naxalism, terrorism and extremism will be finished from the soil of the country," the BJP leader said.
Appealing to voters for support, Adityanath said,"To ensure that Modi becomes the Prime Minister and the BJP gets 400 seats, I have come here so that Kushinagar also becomes a part of this garland of victory."