The Centre has released Rs 1,500 crore in the last two years for the construction of the Andhra Pradesh government's new Secretariat, High Court and other buildings in the new capital, but the state has not spent a single rupee so far, though it has been seeking the release of more funds.
Jaitley may be laying the foundation stone tomorrow, but it will be many more months before the actual construction activity starts as the state government has to first finalise the designs for the buildings that are to come up in the administrative city.
Since then, not a single brick has been laid for the development of the capital, except the construction of the Interim Government Complex (temporary Secretariat).
In July last year, agencies of the Singapore government had submitted a masterplan for the development of Amaravati and in March this year, the state government had "approved" the designs submitted by Maki and Associates of Japan for the government buildings in the capital.
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In the meantime, the government also "rejected" the Maki designs for the buildings at the capital and decided to invite fresh designs by issuing a new notification.
"We have set a 21-day deadline for the submission of new designs and immediately thereafter, we will start the designs. By the end of December, we will approve the designs and by middle or end of January 2017, we will start the works. Our target is to complete the construction activities in two years," Andhra Pradesh Municipal Administration Minister P Narayana told