Minister of State for Personnel V Narayanasamy said some representations or references have been received from various quarters seeking relaxation in the upper age limit and the number of attempts, as prescribed in Civil Services Examination (CSE) Rules, 2013 consequent to format change in the exams.
In the revised scheme the overall number of papers to be taken by a candidate remains the same. The number of optional subjects has been reduced from two to only one thereby bringing down the number of papers from four to two and the number of papers for general studies has been increased from two to four, he said.
As per CSE Rules, 2013, a candidate must have attained the age of 21 years and must not have attained the upper age of 30 years may apply for the civil service examination to choose IAS, IPS and IFS among others.
However, the upper age limit is relaxable upto a maximum of five years for candidates belonging to Scheduled Caste or a Scheduled Tribe categories and upto a maximum of three years for candidates of OBC category among others.