His statement in Lok Sabha came amidst attack by opposition BJP and UPA ally Samajwadi Party members, who said a high-level committee of the government had reported that China had occupied 640 sq km of Indian territory in Ladakh sector.
The members were not satisfied with Antony's statement and created uproar. While BJP members were on their feet, SP members trooped into the Well, creating din which led Speaker Meira Kumar to adjourn the House for an hour.
"I would like to categorically state that Saran has not stated in his report that China has occupied, or has denied access to India to any part of Indian territory. I would like to assure the House that there is no question of India ceding to China any part of Indian territory," Antony said.
He said the Government has taken "all necessary measures to safeguard India's security and would continue to strengthen our capabilities in border areas to protect our national interest."
He said Saran's report also deals with requirement of air facilities in Ladakh region along with matters relating to land acquisition and environmental and wildlife clearances.