With the Lok Sabha polls just few months away, the party brushed aside talk that Rahul Gandhi will take over as the Prime Minister saying that Manmohan Singh will complete his tenure at the helm as already announced.
Party General Secretary Janardan Dwivedi dubbed as "unthoughtful" statements that Sonia Gandhi, who has virtually taken a backseat after Rahul's elevation, will return to lead the party after the Congress's 4-0 result as it lost power in Delhi and Rajasthan and tasted defeat for the third time in Madhya Pradesh.
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"Sonia Gandhi is the party chief and the organisation is running under her leadership," he said.
Without naming any leader, Dwivedi was critical of the infighting in the organisation in Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Delhi ahead of the polls.
Besides, he said the way statements were made by some Ministers at the Centre, the credit for the schemes instead of going to the UPA or Congress went to them.
"Tell me by what statements or actions of Rahul Gandhi did you feel that he is eager to become Prime Minister. Let 2014 come ....", he said.