They said the home ministry will be happy to bring Goa out of the Arunachal Pradesh-Goa-Mizoram-Union Territories (AGMUT) cadre, under which officials presently serve in the state, but as of now, the state does not have enough officers for a separate cadre.
"Goa has very few officers and hence this cannot be done as of now. The MHA would be happy to do it. Mizoram, too, is asking for this. But these two states still have not gathered the critical mass needed for this purpose," a senior official said.
The government had sought views of the home ministry which is the authority for the AGMUT cadre.
The government, thereafter, conveyed to the state that the existing joint AGMUT cadre system addresses the concerns of the Goa government with reference to cadre management.
A similar proposal was submitted by Goa to the home ministry in 2014.