A bench of Chief Justice G Rohini and Justice Jayant Nath issued notices to the Health Ministry, Delhi government's health department, DMC and the hospital seeking their replies on the petition which has sought directions to the authorities to ensure essential services and medical treatment are not disrupted.
The petitioner, D N Srivastava, in his plea has contended that "operations were not taking place in Respondent 4 (G B Pant) hospital due to certain disputes between doctors which has led to risk of the life of patients who are suffering from heart diseases and other problems and are being denied medical treatment".
The petition alleges that "certain dispute arose between the CTVS Department and the Anaesthesia Department which has led to a situation where the consultants of Anaesthesia Department have refused to give anaesthesia to patients in the hospital."
The petition has also claimed that "inaction" on the part of the authorities "has led to violation of right to life and health of the patients and increased medical expense" being incurred by patients who are poor.
The petition has also sought passing of "appropriate orders/directions/guidelines in the nature of code of conduct for hospital staffs like doctors, nurses, paramedicals etc. Of the hospital for addressing their grievance without causing any disruption or prejudice to the smooth functioning of the hospital".