Sukhbir said, "there was no question of third front in the present political scenario as only NDA would form the next Government at the Centre after Lok Sabha elections whenever they are held."
Yadav (Mulayam) has old relations with us and Om Parkash Chautala family, and we keep on meeting on various social occasions exchanging our notes, "nothing political should be read between Yadav meeting me," said the Deputy Chief Minister of Punjab.
He was answering media queries after a function held here to pay tributes to CPI (M) stalwart late Harkishan Singh Surjit.
Yesterday Yadav had an intriguing meeting with Sukhbir at the latter's residence in New Delhi.
The SP chief is understood to have discussed the possibility of the two parties joining hands in the event of formation of a non-Congress government, sources had said.
Sukhbir said people of this country have already made their mind to kick out the most corrupt Government and bring back NDA to power.
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The SAD president said with "UPA-II on ventilator, early elections were inevitable."
He clarified that opposition of SAD to FDI was known to everyone as UPA has taken this decision to help a few multinational companies at the cost of 120 crore poor citizens of the India.
Paying rich tributes to Surjit, Badal recalled his valuable contribution especially during coalition era of Indian politics.