Maintaining that it is comfortable with 5 per cent inflation, he said, RBI takes into account the growth- inflation balance and that is why there has been easing of interest rate since January last year.
Admitting that the high Current Account Deficit (CAD) level is a matter of concern, he said there was need to boost exports and bring down dead-weight imports like gold
Subbarao said there was need to bring inflation to 5 per cent saying the relationship between growth and inflation is non-linear.
He maintained that RBI's mandate is not just to target inflation like the Bank of England which does it at any cost.
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Asked about fears of stagflation--stagnation in growth coupled with high inflation--because of factors including RBI's tight money policy, Subbarao said, "no, I believe not."
"See stagflation is prolonged low growth and high inflation. But if we look at the numbers, we look at the trajectory of growth and inflation, you will find that our inflation has come down.