During Question Hour, Sherman Ali Ahmed of AIUDF insisted on clarifications from the government on 'D' (doubtful) voters issue and asserted that they were being harassed in the name of checking their citizenship.
The reply to his question was given by Minister Rockybul Hussain on behalf of the Chief Minister, who is in charge of the home ministry, but Ahmed insisted on asking more questions.
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When he did not take his seat even after being repeatedly asked to do so, the Speaker expelled him for the day.
Ahmed, however, refused to go out and all the other members of his party also joined him in claiming that the human rights of the affected 'D' voters were being violated by not allowing the MLA to discuss their issue in the Assembly.
As the AIUDF MLAs kept shouting in protest and nothing could be heard in the din, Gogoi expelled all of them for the day.
When they did not leave and continued to shout, the Speaker adjourned the House for 15 minutes.
As soon as the house reassembled, the AIUDF MLAs, who continued to remain inside, raised a din again, demanding that their issue be discussed.
Some of them even squatted in the well of the House till the Marshall and the watch and ward staff were called in and they were peacefully guided out.
Amidst the noisy scenes, Chief Minister Tarun Gogoi said if there was violation of human rights, the aggrieved could go to the Human Rights Commission.