Karnataka Chief Minister H D KumaraswamyFriday said his government would not protect anyone involved in illegal activities, as he flayed the BJP for accusing him of "adjustment" by not acting on a legistature panel report on alleged irregularities in the Bengaluru-Mysuru Infrastructure Corridor project.
"I have seen that a BJP MLA while demanding action based on House Committee on NICE, has accused me of adjustment (in the case). They (BJP) are the ones who taught me adjustment politics," Kumaraswamy told reporters here.
Kumaraswamy said during the tenure of the BJP-JD(S) coalition government in 2006 headed by him, when he brought a subject before the cabinet to scrap the project, BJP ministers hadboycotted it.
"Where was their commitment then?" he asked.
State BJP general secretary and MLA C T Ravi Thursday had demanded that the coalition government implement the House committee report on alleged irregularities in the implementation of the Bangalore-Mysore Infrastructure Corridor project (BMIC) by Nandi Infrastructure Corridor Enterprises(NICE).
He had reportedly accused Kumaraswamy and his government of "adjustment" in the case.
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Kumaraswamy said, his government will not protect anyone involved in illegal activity related cases.
"It has just been five-and-half months after this coalition government coming to power, give us some time.
How we will work, how our programmes are...by implementing our programmes we will answer them. I need not do politics by adjustment," he said.
Asked if the government will act on the House committee report, the chief minister said, the report is yet to be accepted by the Assembly.
"There is time, we will take decision accordingly."
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