The Karnataka government said it was not in a position to release Cauvery river water to neighbouring Tamil Nadu even as the Supreme Court today sought to know the quantum of water that can be spared.
"There is a total of nine tmc water in all the four" reservoirs coming under the Cauvery basin.That 9 tmc water is not enough for our drinking needs and crops. We have shortage," Water Resources Minister M B Patil said.
In a video message shared with media today, he said" "In this circumstance we cannot obey today's Supreme Court's" order, as we don't have water. We will inform the supreme court about availability"of water currently and our needs."
During the hearing today, the court first asked Karnataka to"release 4 tmcft water by May 8, then asked it to release 2 tmcft water and at the end, ordered it to apprise the bench" "as to how much water can be released."
"Stating that he was in touch with the legal team, the minister said "we will bring to cannot be" implemented. We don't have water..."