Health Minister A K Walia said the hospitals have been asked to explain within seven days why contempt of court proceedings will not be initiated against them for not complying with the directions of the Supreme Court and the High Court.
All private hospitals, which were given government land at concessional rates, are required to reserve 25 per cent of their out-patient department capacity and 10 per cent of beds for free treatment of the poor.
Both the Supreme Court and the Delhi High Court had, in separate orders, directed the hospitals to comply with the norms. 43 private hospitals are required to comply with the directive.
Hospitals which have been issued notices are Escorts Heart Institute and Research Centre, Dharamshila Hospital and Research Centre, Max Super Specialty Hospital (Max Devki Devi Heart and Vascular Institute), Gujarmal Modi Hospital, Primus Super Specialty Hospital, Bensups Hhospital, R B Seth Jessa Ram Hospital, Rockland Hospital, Rajan Dhall Charitable Trust