Bihar State Human Rights Commission member Neelmani said that non-payment or delayed salary payment to teachers adversely affected their motivation causing harm to the very objective for which the said scheme was launched. The ministry has been asked to file its response/comment in the matter by April 21 next when the matter is listed for hearing, a BHRC statement said here.
"It is further submitted that school teachers are not getting salary due to delayed and reduced amount released from GOI. However, it is submitted that now the government of India has released Rs 771 crore as second instalment and the state government too has approved its share of Rs 345 crore under SSA," the State Project Director had said.
All these exercises have been taken up after a report appeared in a newspaper regarding non-payment of salaries to approximately 2.5 lakh school teachers since September, 2015. The salaries are paid from the funds from the SSA in which the Centre and Bihar government contributes in the ratio of 60:40.