A notorious member of the infamous Bavaria gang from Shamli in Uttar Pradesh, which indulges in robberies, was nabbed by police after they shot at and injured him in an alleged 'encounter' here.
Ram Singh, part of the Bavaria gang whose members flyto Bengaluru and other south Indian cities to rob women and burglehouses, was arrested late last night, police said today.
Singh along with his accomplice was insearch of a prey on a motorbike with a Punjab registration number last afternoon when police spotted them.
As the police tried to intercept them, the duo tried to speed away.
On being chased, they fell from the bike andallegedly attacked the police personnel before fleeing and hiding themselves in a plantation at Bagalur.
Police said when they later traced and asked him to surrender, Singh took out a knife and allegedly attacked them, following which they fired at him in self defence.
Singh was injured in the right leg and right hand, police said adding he had been