A team of neuroengineers based at Brown University developed the fully implantable and rechargeable wireless brain sensor capable of relaying real-time broadband signals from up to 100 neurons in freely moving subjects.
Several copies of the novel low-power device, described in the Journal of Neural Engineering, have been performing well in animal models for more than year, a first in the brain-computer interface field.
Brain-computer interfaces could help people with severe paralysis control devices with their thoughts.
Neuroscientists can use such a device to observe, record, and analyse the signals emitted by scores of neurons in particular parts of the animal model's brain.
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In the device, a pill-sized chip of electrodes implanted on the cortex sends signals through uniquely designed electrical connections into the device's laser-welded, hermetically sealed titanium "can". The can measures 2.2 inches long, 1.65 inches wide, and 0.35 inches thick.
All the wireless and charging signals pass through an electromagnetically transparent sapphire window.
In all, the device looks like a miniature sardine can with a porthole.
However, what the team has packed inside makes it a major advance among brain-machine interfaces, said lead author David Borton, a former Brown graduate student.
"Most importantly, we show the first fully implanted neural interface microsystem operated wirelessly for more than 12 months in large animal models - a milestone for potential (human) clinical translation," said Borton.
"The device uses less than 100 milliwatts of power, a key figure of merit," Nurmikko said.