Chief Minister Vasundhara Raje issued an order, asking ministers and officers to remove beacons from their vehicles and said in a statement "we have implemented the ban in the state with immediate effect".
"It is the foresightedness of Prime Minister Narendra Modi and is an important step towards a people-friendly government. It will end the VIP culture and will connect people with the government in a better way," she said.
Before issuing the order, Raje posted on Twitter: "Curtailing the use of #RedBeacon is a welcome & forward looking step towards having more people-friendly Government (sic)."
Raje had removed the red beacon light from her vehicle immediately after taking over as Rajasthan Chief Minister on December 13, 2013.
Earlier in the day, the Union Cabinet decided that beacon lights will be removed from all vehicles, except emergency vehicles, like ambulances and fire brigade.