In a brief meeting with Ramdev at his residence, Rashtriya Lok Dal chief Ajit Singh said the use of black money in electoral process is a bigger issue and a threat to the democratic set up of the nation.
Assuring that efforts are being made to address the issue of black money, he said, "I think the bigger problem is use of black money in election process which is a threat to the democratic set up of the nation."
Observing that Ramdev has helped in awakening the people on this issue, he said there is more black money in the country than what is stored abroad.
"In last Lok Sabha polls, Election Commission tried hard to stop the use of black money and it tried again during recent state assembly elections. But even it (EC) has not achieved complete success in this, on the contrary it is on the rise."
He said proper agreements would be required with the individual countries where the black money is stored.
"There are several nations and proper agreement will be required with each of them... Every country has its own law. There are the banks in the world which are not ready to share the information," Singh said.
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On whether his party supports Ramdev's movement against black money, Singh said, "This is not a question of political parties... It is a big issue which requires that all political parties and people come together on it."
Ramdev reiterated that his movement was not against any political party, "but purely in favour of the country and against the black money". (MORE)