In the first case involving Sachan, CBI filed two charge sheets against 33 accused persons on the allegations that bogus transport bills for use of ambulance by Bal Mahila Chikitsalaya and Community Health Centre and bogus bills for supply of manpower were passed for payment by 29 public servants causing a wrongful gain to Omraj Enterprises and Gauri Shankar Singh of Omega Security Services, CBI sources said.
A CBI spokesperson the agency has named Sachan as deceased accused.
In the charge sheet, the agency has slapped allegations of cheating, forgery, and prevention of corruption against the accused persons, the sources said.
The agency also filed another set of charge sheets against 19 accused persons involving the then CMO A K Shukla on the allegations of bogus transport bills for use of ambulance by Bal Mahila Chikitsalaya and Community Health Centre's which were passed for payment by 17 public servants causing wrongful loss to the tune of Rs 20 lakhs, they said.