In a 26-page complaint sent to the Sebi on October 16, the investors alleged that two realty-focused funds from ICICI Venture-the Dynamic India Fund III & IV- have taken money from them promising high returns to the tune of 25 per cent.
However, none of the 13 projects in which their money was invested are completed well after the committed nine-year gestation period, the complaint said.
When contacted, a Dubai-based investor Gulab Patil, who has been authorised by around 500 investors with a power of attorney, told PTI that he has filed the complaint with Sebi on October 16.
Patil, who hails from Pune, said that he had invested USD 2.5 lakh in 2005 when these two funds were launched.
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ICICI Venture has already denied all the charges as "totally baseless and malicious".
ICICI Venture also countered the claim of damages, saying the aggrieved investors accounted for a small percentage of those invested in the fund and they had refused to take an 'cash exit option' although returns were never guaranteed.
DIF III &IV schemes, registered in Mauritius, are structured as feeder-funds by ICICI Venture and are registered with the Sebi as foreign venture capital investors.
The fund was promoted to be a close-ended fund with a corpus of USD 220 million. The fund was aimed at developing, leasing, owning and selling quality office and residential properties and retail spaces.