"The NSC presented a dividend cheque of Rs 8.12 crore for the year 2014-15, which is 15 per cent of it's paid up share Capital as on March 31, 2015 to Agriculture Minister Radha Mohan Singh," an official statement said.
Since inception, the NSC has played an active role in developing the Indian seed industry, which is presently Rs 15,000 crores.
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MCX ties up with Amity Business school
Commodity exchange Multi Commodity Exchange (MCX), today said it has tied up with Amity Business School for providing training in financial skills in managing commodity price risks.
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The entities will also develop the content of commodity market-related courses for the programme together, MCX said in a statement.
Germany's Viessmann to become sales partners of Vikram Solar * German manufacturer of heating, industrial and refrigeration systems Viessmann will become a sales partner to solar energy solution provider Vikram Solar.
As part of the collaboration, Vikram Solar will supply Viessmann with solar modules from the Eldora Ultima series with an output of between 250 and 260 Wp.