The leading stock exchange had submitted to Sebi its draft prospectus for the public offer in December, but the approval has been hanging fire due to issues surrounding the ongoing probe into the NSE co-location case where some brokers allegedly got preferential access to the exchange's systems.
A probe is under way to quantify any unlawful gains made by the brokers, allegedly in connivance with some NSE officials, due to this preferential access.
Asked whether it is regulatory requirement to file a revised DRHP (Draft Red Herring Prospectus), the Sebi chief said, "I think they themselves will do it."
Tyagi was speaking to reporters on the sidelines of an event organised here by the Standing Conference of Public Enterprises (SCOPE).
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In the high-profile NSE co-location case, Sebi wants its forensic audit to quantify unlawful gains made by some brokers, even as the exchange is trying to reach a settlement of the case through consent mechanism.
The regulator will also engage with various shareholders of the exchange as well as the government and other major stakeholders in the capital market, given the enormity of the case.
The Securities and Exchange Board of India is looking to complete its probe at the earliest on the matter, which was first brought to its notice in 2015 by a whistleblower, but the investigation gathered pace only in recent months.
Even a split-second faster access is considered to result in huge gains for a trader.
Pending investigations, Sebi has directed that all revenues emanating from co-location facility, including the transaction charges on the trades executed through such facility, be placed in a separate bank account.
Accordingly, the NSE has transferred Rs 375.51 crore to a separate account for September 2016 to March 2017. The regulator also wants to ascertain what component of this amount could have had an impact on the alleged preferential access to some brokers, sources said.
Sebi has recently issued 14 show-cause notices in the co-location case, including to the NSE.
In its notice, Sebi observed that the exchange did not co-operate with it or the forensic auditor appointed by the NSE on the regulator's direction. Also, the exchange failed to provide requisite information as sought by Sebi, the regulator said.